Sunday, May 24, 2015

End of Spring Bowling season - an unexpected win

I like to bowl, but I don't consider myself a bowler since I'm not very good at it. I just finished my second season on a Ladies' Friendship League. I was teamed up with a friend from church. We had a very high handicap - which helped our scores immensely! This is the only reason we won the league this season. I still can't believe it. Now we get to team-up with the previous season's winning team (which ironically we swapped places- because they won the league last season and we came in last place last season) and compete in the Tournament of Champions in August. I guess I'll have to practice some this summer since we don't have summer league. It's all about having fun for me though.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Birthday excitement!

You know that extreme excitement when someone asks you what you want and that's exactly what you get . . .  Yay! This has happened to me twice now. When we lived at the old house and now. Howard asked me last week what I wanted for my birthday. I told him I wanted the shrubs yanked out of the front yard because I really don't like shrubs. Spiders  create webs in them, they have to be trimmed, and I like flowers.

I had just gotten the flowerbed how I wanted it when we found this house so that was kind of frustrating. When I saw that there were shrubs I told Howard they were going to have to go and he was fine with that. I came home from bowling yesterday with my Ladies' Friendship League, and also Kristina, to find NO. MORE. SHRUBS.  Yay!!! I was so excited. No I can work a little bit at a time to  get the area ready for a nice flower bed. It will be sooo great! And beautiful too.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Wow! Friday -13 March 2015

It's so hard to believe that March is about half over. Today is Friday the 13th-our family's good day- I know that is probably an odd thing. There was an activity at church and as part of that activity there was also a bake sale and a baked goods auction for the Young Women they raised enough money for girls' camp this year. That was very cool!  I had such a great time this morning baking items for the Young Women - several of them are in the early morning seminary class that I team teach. what a great bunch of girls. I had nice little visit with Kristina while I gave her a ride to and from the activity with me.

It's also been hard to believe that our weather in Tennessee has been worse (icy and snowy), than both Star Valley, WY, where Erika is currently assigned to on her mission and Salt Lake City where Kristofer is serving.

Howard and I have been doing a lot of walking these past few weeks because we are doing a walking challenge. Part of our walking is to work the dogs. Daisy (Howard's Chocolate Lab) and Jazz (my Black Lab). Jazz's training is coming along quite well. I'm thinking about possibly taking her to her first hunt test next month.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Two missionaries serving our Heavenly Father

Well it's official! As of today we have two missionaries in the mission field. Sister Erika Ann Kremer arrived today in the Idaho Pocatello Mission home. We don't know where her first assignment will be. I will post her assignment as soon as I know.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Why I decided to start a family blog 18 February 2015

     Before Erika left on her mission she decided to start a blog and asked me to maintain it for her. In the little over a week that she's been gone I decided that a blog might be a good thing to have to keep family and friends up-to-date on our family. You'll see that I have also started a blog for Elder Kremer.